Friday, February 15, 2008

Stop by and think!

A poem that I wrote a longgg time back.....
Just felt like reliving it. And where best? The S Space...
Stop by and think....
Don't all of us, at sometimes think
How do I shut doors to the dark?
Which special attic has he made?
where light dances; all songs skylark!

I do not know where love lives
Nor have I seen the hatred house
but there is yet one stubborn eye
that tends to see it all.

Can you tell me?
Where does sorrow come out from?
and where does all joy go to rest
To which caste all these tears belong
And all those burdened thumping chests?

If life is but a thorny trail,
then who has called it a rose bed?
If Man has always crawled the earth
Whose brush has painted it all Red?

Do tears dwell in solitude?
And smiles ring bells in far off towns
I hear an echo; No a Cry!
Both embellish One human crown!

Its pain that bleeds as profanity
Its pain that breathes in the poet's words
Has pain not shown what all love means?
Despair not shown what all hope can?

Is there a village of distress,
or another one of dreams?
If there was a witch in the chocolate house,
then true was Alice's world of cream!

The bitter seas that never quench
Have but been fed by sweeter streams
If there was a poisoned Apple tree,
Then true was Snowwhite's charming Prince!

So now I know where does love live
And there it is the wretched house;
Its all in there, and only there
A place we call... the human heart!

In darker waters,
Now I know;
Are darker shells
where pearls do grow !
I wish for the stars.... I want them all.
But my little hands, How short they fall!
Now all the stars in yonder skies, Are far...
But do live .....In my Eyes!

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