Monday, August 31, 2009

Rise from another sabbatical? Precisely NO.

Its been a LONG vacation from writing, however an VERY interesting and eventful one.
I am sorry to not have made you a part of all that...
A lot has happened in life since the last sharing with you..

My dear "S Space",

You've been my best friend...well only the best substitute to be honest. And I must be honest with you if I want you to remain my close accomplice in my inadvertent adventures, my unconstrained outbursts, my emotional outpourings, and the Best of my mood swings... unexplained ecstasies! You must be there all the time. 
Your existence dates back to the time when I returned to writing after another long sabbatical. The One NOT mostly induced by those 'compelling' circumstances of being busy with the regular schedules and awful routines of life! You came months after your predecessor..The S diary was abolished and abandoned. Not that you were a new lease of life...but a new phase in Blogging!
Ever have been there...Thank you for being there for me and thank you for remaining, even when I constantly deserted you!
Do you know what triggered this return to spending time with you? 
Thanks to the unintended reminder tossed by my friend... Why the hell people like to blog? I wonder what pleasure do they derive out of it and even more surprisingly what entices other people to read those strictly individual opinions? Who wants to know what you think? I would never waste time to read someone's crappy head full of his/her own idiosyncrasies when I have more important and sensible things like the news to browse! Well.. my friend... its good that you remain unaware... but I must thank you here for reuniting me with ... S Space.
Now to the Vacation musings, my friend...
Shall keep sharing them in parts and pieces in the days to come with religiously loaded inputs from those that continue...
Yours lovingly,
S :-)