Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Its a new dream, a whole new feeling

Something within has just sprouted

Like one lonely bud freshly pouted

Enticing yet eluding.....

was this I was never capable of?

Somehow the feeling always lay in here

its just that it did not appear

Or maybe never in the same form

As it has today been born.

Seemingly unassuming yet closely caressing

Like a gush of fresh air

meeting each gulp drawn inwards

Like the blue canvas overhead

Freshly washed down by the rain

Scrubbed clean of each impression 

life has made...

Friday, May 9, 2008

If Only Then.....

Behind the Lofty banyan tree,
The golden ball slowly receeds
Could only the sparkling stars decree
Whom vermillion of the sky preceeds.

If only then I wish could paint...
let colors flow like feelings melt
Hold beacon divine in eyes abright,
Reach out my arms, grasp all the light!
With Red and Blue, delightful hue;
Impending raven fails to subdue!

Yet slowly does fade the charm she wore,
the beautiful mistress of sky now sore.

Lost the vermillion I could paint
Lost, time to unfold earthly arms
Long lost the cherub golden Saint,
I could have hidden in my palm!